How Social Media Changed Marketing

Interesting insight from The Zen of Social Media Marketing: An Easier Way to Build Credibility, Generate Buzz, and Increase Revenue.  If you are interested in purchasing this book from Amazon please use the above or below links, as I will earn a (tiny) commission.

“Social media is not a marketer’s platform.  It belongs to consumers.”

Marketers used to control their message.  They created their own ads, and shaped them how they wanted to be seen.  However, since the rise of social media, consumers now control the message.  Viral messages can be positive or negative about a brand, and no single person can control it.  Users are no longer passive and can now publicly engage with brands, creating new stories in the process.

The brands who are successful now are those who adapt their strategies and embrace social media platforms, rather than ignoring or worse – fighting them.

Which category is your business in?


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